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Cast Iron Aspidistra

Cast iron aspidistra

Cast iron aspidistra

Aspidistra elatior or the Cast Iron Plant belongs to the lily family and is native to China and Japan. Once a very popular houseplant, it was a common feature of many a Victorian hallway.

Can cast iron plants take full sun?

Cast iron plant can be grown outdoors in all regions of Florida and does equally well in filtered and deep shade—just don't plant it in full sun. The lance-shaped leaves of this evergreen perennial grow upright and reach 12 to 20 inches tall.

Is cast iron plant fast growing?

The Cast Iron Plant is a relatively slow grower, and grows in accordance with the amount of light that it receives. Cast Iron Plants will generally grow up to two feet tall and two to three feet wide, and their rate of growth will be slower in low light settings.

Is Aspidistra a good houseplant?

As you can recognise by its name, the Cast Iron Plant is a very hardy indoor plant. It requires little maintenance and is easy to care for. Even those with a brown thumb can keep their Aspidistra Elatior alive for years to come.

Will cast iron plants survive winter?

In addition to being able to withstand cold temperatures, cast iron plants are hardy in zones 7 through 11, so they can take our summer heat. Evergreen in winter, they are also a cool, refreshing green in summer.

How fast do cast iron plants spread?

Cast Iron Plants typically grow to be about 2 feet tall, and 2 to 3 feet wide. They grow slowly, so it may take several years for them to reach full size. If you're growing Cast Iron Plants indoors, use a pot that gives the roots room to grow.

How long do aspidistras live?

2021 is set to be the year the Aspidistra becomes a sought-after houseplant once again. The Cast Iron Plant is a beautiful houseplant, offering lots of lovely dark green foliage. It will live happily in your home with minimal effort and has been known to live for upwards of 50 years.

Should I cut brown tips off cast iron plant?

Your cast iron plant does best in low to indirect light. Lower lighting conditions will cause growth to slow, but too much direct light will cause the foliage to turn pale brown. Prune off any browning leaves and place the plant a little further away from the window to prevent sun damage.

Do cast iron plants have deep roots?

Over time, the cast iron plant will spread via its underground rhizome roots to create a larger clump. It also has shallow roots, so it can grow under trees and large shrubs where other plants may not be able to compete with the tree roots.

Where is the best place to put an Aspidistra?

Aspidistra elatior will thrive in a range of lighting conditions. Bright, indirect light to a dark, gloomy corner. Avoid sitting in full sunlight however. Very tolerant of shade.

Is Aspidistra an air purifier?

Aspidistra Elatior - Cast Iron Plant It's never gone out of fashion and is rated today as an excellent air purifier and the toughest houseplant that ever existed. The RHS has awarded the AGM for its superb qualities.

Do cast iron plants attract bugs?

Cast Iron Palm (aspidistra elatior) Not only it's among the most pest resistant indoor plants; It's another impossible to kill plant = ideal for Black Thumbs.

Should I cut yellow leaves off cast iron plant?

Trim Away Yellow Leaves Never allow damaged or dead leaves to stay on the plant because they may cause pests, fungus, or bacteria problems. Any time any yellow leaves appear, for any reason, prune them off completely. Once a leaf starts to turn yellow, it is dying. You can't save part of the leaf.

Do cast iron plants like to be root bound?

Your cast iron plant will tolerate being a bit rootbound, but it doesn't like its roots disturbed. At most, transplanting should happen every 2-3 years. There's two reasons to transplant: to propagate new plants or to provide more room for larger ones.

What is the best outdoor area to plant cast iron?

Cast iron do best in a brightly lit spot, out of direct sunlight, however they will also grow well in low light areas.

Can you overwater a cast iron plant?

Care and Planting While the cast-iron plant isn't picky about regular watering, it does need some water, and really heavy overwatering can cause death by root-rot. Like many houseplants, it would rather be too dry than too wet, so let it dry out between waterings.

Where do I put my cast iron plant?

As we mentioned earlier, cast iron plants don't like direct sunlight, but they tolerate low light conditions very well. So you can place your plant pretty much anywhere you want as long as the sun won't shine directly on it! As long as there's a window somewhere in the room, you really can't go wrong.

Why are the leaves on my Aspidistra turning yellow?

ANSWER: This usually indicates the cast iron plants (Aspidistra elatior) are getting too much light. Cast iron plants prefer full shade; they like the sun never to shine on them during the day. In deep shade, they stay green and healthy other than the occasional old, dead leaves that need to be removed.

Can I put my Aspidistra outside?

What few people realise about aspidistras is that their tough constitution can be as valuable outside as it is inside for, despite looking so tropical, they come with a surprising level of cold hardiness.

Do Aspidistra like to be root bound?

The cast iron plant thrives on being pot-bound, so only repot when the roots are coming out of the bottom or top of the pot. Top dress with fresh compost every spring.

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